Sunflower 08/10/2024 (Sat) 21:53 Id: 9a7bdd No.8603 del
I read somewhere that the brain is the "Muddy leaves of the lotus". And it's quite literal. The brain can "bloom" or open like a flower and you need to slowly "let go of the mud" into either the outsider world or to your lower channels to recycle it. I am slowly exploring the channels in the body that can do it but holy shit. No wonder this shit requires either superb intuition and ability or a guru who knows this shit.

A week ago I had a dream where I had sex with a woman and my dick grew like a meter long snake then normal sized but made from stone then with it the woman also changed. It was quite animalistic and noticed that I am able to drift into and out from my "bodies". When I noticed that my physical body was also moving in the physical with the dream. Then hit my forehead in the side of the bed from like 3 centimeters from the third eye on the right. The pain literally highlighted the way how I can open up the energy channel that connect the right parts of the body. Since that even more pathways showed themselves and uh... feels like I am in an another body again. So many features of the body are unlocked again and learning to tune them takes nuance. Talking to the organs is "easy" but learning to listen to them and let their "Higher version" manifest in your body then facilitate a proper merger for your subconscious so it doesn't feel like you are falling apart constantly?
The problem is not that it takes time and effort but it needs the "right" effort or everything that you do is meaningless or harmful. The female principle is so hard especially because there are no "role models in the flesh" who embody it therefore I have to experience or "download it" from my intuition and "Get it right" "Out of nowhere". Defragmenting the mundane mind is something I thought I am somewhat "good at" but my skill is being tested again.
Also you posted the heart chakra as the main point of the kundalini here and yes that is what I am balancing now. The "real heart" so to speak. Feeling the entire body pulsating with blood energy and some new sensations is something I am used to but only at selected parts of the body that I am focusing and not the "whole thing". All my emotions are turning into a cool breeze to sate the fire of my heart. Wish I could express it in a more poetic way but I am not there yet.