Sunflower 08/12/2024 (Mon) 20:48 Id: 166c91 No.8643 del
>Why exactly do they find that cartoon so abhorrent? It's violating their laws
No, the laws are only for humans. The problem with images and visual arts is that it creates ideas, which - as we all here know - can form into egregores on the astral. They don't want egregoral trash flying about confusing their followers, so they have banned all visual arts. You can ask a muslim about this and he'd explain it to you. I asked an Afghan about it, he said the talibans explained it as "if you create an image of something, it has to become real, and if you can't make it real the image will come to you after you died and keep your soul here, then you can't enter paradise." It's a version of the Christian law to not pray to statues or other images, it has the same origin.

If you then add an intentional insult in the image, you also angered the djinn, not a good idea.

Psychopathy is a diagnosis from modern psychology, using it as an insult is also possible, but if you claim that demanding someone follow religious laws - which this wasn't about - is a sign of psychopathy, you'd have to back that up with something. You took this out of the air.

>If I'm still not dead after a week
They'll just remove all your souls and your body will be a zombie/NPC.