For a few days, it was impossible to postI was only able to download from the Internet, not communicate back out again. That is because of the complete de-syncing of the Earth vs my sphere. I can bypass this here by using the Sunflower Temple which has a "physical" board to post messages on which mirrors what is on here, but also works in the other direction. Plus that no one knows who I am so the confusion along with the great number of NPCs allow for unusual things like this.
>>8673This was meant as an improvement armour for all Raid dolls. They don't actually need armour because they are indestructible, but they can be made more effective. The armour works for any of your bodies, servitors or not. It turned out very effective. It creates red scales on your body which absorbs any attacks.
The Raids are fearless and feel no pain, but for better control there is the possibility of sensory feedback. This creates a loophole for attackers who can cause some minor pain for the pilot. Although no damage is done, it is a sensory experience, and when piloting 6+ Raids at once during intense fighting, they do get hit now and then which is Annoying.
The armour was made for this purpose, but it became so good that it went beyond its initial purpose. You will see.
Clearing the UMBS, I call then such because they aren't DUMBS; deep underground military bases, they are only 60 meters down at most so they are just regular bases, hence the D removed from the Acronym.
These are numerous and filled with white mushroom glowies, gay templars and whatnot. Because they are unable to see me after the complete de-syncing, they are now targeting the Raids directly, even using various high energy weapons of the industrial standard, radiation guns and other mind control devices. Again it does
nothing to the Raids because they are 97% hardcoded decision tables with a personality slapped on top, you can't change how they think at all.
Their bodies cannot be destroyed by physical attacks, because they aren't persistently physical. They are poltergeists. This is another feature of using ScaleForm self executable programs; they are just logical code run off a disc, which can be copied endlessly and the form is manifested into each location seamlessly
at runtime. That means they are channelling the karmic retribution of evil people and acting as their nemesis. You cannot fight a Raid doll and survive, because they are fueled by your own negative energy, your karma.
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