Sunflower 08/31/2024 (Sat) 18:03 Id: 9f2a4d No.8879 del
Now look at those empires that were deleted in the image shown by the Queen: do any of the European empires apply these laws? They did to some degree in earlier centuries, but they still had things like alcoholism, smoking, gambling etc which wasn't punishable by death, so they weren't able to save the general population from hell even individually.

But then if we look at what they did, which was to add more nations as colonies and to take goods from there. Without looking, they are then building out outside of the 36 levels of regular kingdoms. I don't know what level they reach there, but it can be expected that an empire per default has so many levels of karma filled by merely existing, that anyone born there would be given a hell sentence by just being born there.