Sunflower 08/31/2024 (Sat) 22:33 Id: 9f2a4d No.8884 del
With the federation knife
in possession, I took down the remaining of the cultists, and also created the Slayer servitor to continue this work without me having to actively do anything.

I asked Belial for a summary of the situation as it looks "over there", where he confirmed the land mass change, but also described a timeline where things still look mostly normal. Internet connections went down in certain directions, but overall it still works because nothing essential was lost.
Connections still function between Africa and Latin America, so while it is slower, the full effect of the loss of infrastructure isn't felt, as traffic can be redirected.
The main issue in that "place" is currently lack of communication, and that food deliveries are restricted to some areas surrounding the crack.

It appears most of the world doesn't care about Europe. Africa is completely uneffected, China just shut down news reporting on the event to prevent unrest, and this attitude seems to be the ruling mindset over the world. It was first speculated that Russia had used a hypersonic nuke from space to create a tsunami, but no seismic activity was registered and no such missile was picked up by radars anywhere. So after one day it was since referred to as "a flooding of western EU", but no one knows the extent of it. Because areas nearest the Mediterranean is uneffected, including Greece and most of Italy along with south of France and Spain, there is an illusion that less has happened, when seen from the south.

From the north, it is only known that areas are flooded and the border between Poland and Germany is closed.