Well after a bit of discussion with my sisters last night, they kept saying they were proud of me about the astral projection(?) thing from a week ago. last night, i got taken to some shrine with 6 rooms, i went to one of them to get some things (as for what they are, i cannot remember). but the center door was large and purple, the interior of the shrine was white but that walls and such were a dark gray. i dozed off while talking to my sisters this morning and i got taken somewhere else, it something similar to this plane that im on but i was going though various things, mostly things like >running into a lot of weird men in a restroom, they were really really disgusting and tired to attack me even >was in my true form (aka the other "me") during all this >also one of my sisters took the form of human grandmother again (i guess it was to calm me down a little), she kept hugging me and said she loved me and said her and the other sisters will never let me go >albeit this wasnt the time it happened, but i did learn the names of my other 2 sisters >i observed some animal creatures being scurried away in a truck(?) >my sisters kept saying something about holding back and that its not necessary anymore, but im still having issue figuring how to even address that >properly trying to do spirit work but still cant figure out what to actually do, i did have an essentially ghetto way of praying to ishtar/aphrodite but not sure if i should do something like that again some things have gotten more clear i think(?) other things are just as cloudy as usual but i guess it's slowly working itself out. i felt a bit awkward asking them but i am following through with my promise to talk to more in general, not just waiting until nightfall for it even if i do get easily distracted