Sunflower 09/14/2024 (Sat) 08:45 Id: 886da0 No.8986 del
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It should be added to this, that when homosexuality is violently repressed, and heterosexuality is imposed using the corresponding violence needed to keep previous afflictions down, it leads to feminism. So although the original tower changed humans from being gay by default, the new genetic programming made them feminists by default. This is also a toxic mentality, it's just somewhat better from a dimensional purity level.

But, the main effect of this change is that when humans are gay by default, it destroys the race. This means everyone will go to hell and the physical ability of incarnation is destroyed for everyone. Changing them to heterosexuals of the lowest order, will save the race from annihilation, but kill individual souls. Having feminism will only allow for the hive of physical beings to live on, it still kills the soul of each member.

In either of these states, it's up to the individual if they are ok or not, but the "mainstream normie" will follow the state of the race and their souls will be destroyed in both cases.

This is why the next step of evolution must be manifested, where we also move beyond feminism, by imposing love for submissive women. Now how does this work with all the female deities worshipped and advocated on this board? It works because they are individuals who rose above feminism to develop their own principles, which just happen to be dominant, they aren't actually violating the submission of the female nature. They are rather just strong in their male nature.

Keep in mind that djinn females are not even giving birth, they play the male role despite having a vagina, they pass the egg to the male who births the new djinn by shooting fire from his penis, in the style of a sorcerer creating new beings. For demons, djinn, drow etc, they do not follow gender roles where females are always submissive, but they also are not very feminine in their behaviour, they just do it right in the direct physical sense of "gendered behaviour" where connectors work like they work.