Sunflower 02/21/2022 (Mon) 09:08:24 Id: 972fd5 No.900 del
(59.36 KB 850x543 Immortal Duo.jpg)
>RP facility
Now that I was thinking how it means right path and role-play at once

I realized i had a funny Mokou interaction
I was thinking about Mokou and Kaguya. And then a white light with himecut black hair appeared. I was like OH SHIT IT'S THE NEET. Then Mokou appeared and they started to beat the shit of each other until they both got tired. Then as I was lying down Mokou lied besides me and said:
>I don't even understand why does anyone want to become immortal anyway.
I told her. I have enough interests that will take multiple lifetimes anyway.
Then she started to rip off her own face.
I was here thinking I don't think that is how you transfer the Hourai elixir Mokou...

So yeah. The long white hair represents the overflowing white spike. This is why immortals are usually portrayed with long hair and not just because they are too lazy to cut it. Fucking ZUN. Who does he channel anyway.
Also Kaguya was the self with all the karma holding her down. I sure love I need months to figure out some of the interactions