Sunflower 10/29/2024 (Tue) 16:34 Id: 9f2a4d No.9449 del
>through tunnel/piping system filled with water
I used to have dreams about being in public bath houses with lots of rooms, also later the same kind of dreams as many have described on /x/, dark and dirty public restrooms where all toilets are broken or the door locks aren't working and so on, and I keep looking for an empty stall. These were said be the Queen to be a form of test where one has to escape from hell - the toilets represent fulfillment of desire in the modern society. It's all just like going to a dirty public restroom and people are looking for toilets. The finish of the test is when one lets go and finds the way outside. I did this a few times, one time I found myself on the roof of a mall with many strange succulent flowers.

I've also been in a combination of the locations above; a public swimming hall where there are toilets installed on platforms in the same rooms, and it seems people are swimming in toilet water, but here everything is clean, white tiles on the floor and walls and the water is pure blue. In the last of these dreams I was swimming in a white tiled tunnel with warm water like this, and then swam upwards and came out from a toilet that was at a higher floor of the swimming hall. After that I never had these dreams again, so I think they represent first escaping hell, then escaping the human level representation of hell, which is the welfare system of society.