Sunflower 11/03/2024 (Sun) 09:25 Id: 02f6f6 No.9465 del
Now anyway interestingly enough tonight i had a dream that slightly connects. It was the last dream of the night. So right before that last dream ill say i had a europe flooding dream(specifically the area i grew up in) which was sad as the people became hopeful and told me it was fine since atleast the water is flowing the right way, i ofcourse had heard the land itself was gonna sink anyway. There was this feeling of trying to fix things but being helpless to and knowing it.

Now anyway directly after that im in the relevant dream. Suddenly theres this huge "haunted mansion" and i explain to my family that this mansion is so famous even sherlock holmes had great trouble figuring out the mystery of it in a movie.

So anyway we enter and yeah a lot of haunted stuff happens. I remember being in bed and a girl appearing under sheets and having to press down and then shes in the wall...

Now anyway this place was mind meltingly scary in a sense, like an extreme horror movie.

What connects this to the last dream howver was the veritcality. Again it was way taller than i think woud be easy to build for a mansion like a multiple floor towers but it was all only the first floor. Now anyway my first idea is to actually walk deeper and deeper into the mansion,trying to find the deepest most haunted place. The place was said to be haunted by the ghost of a dead girl who had been through bad things.

As im flying deeper i kinda enter a large gym room.i figure the best way to be here is to actually be nice to the girl and help her instead of having this weird realtionship of haunted/spirit girl.I said "little girl...come here little girl. Come here..." realizing i kinda sound creepy as fuck even though its cause im trying to be gentle in my wording. Anyway suddenly she very happy and nice. I talk to her and then take her hand. As im walking back she shows me the house which im suddenly realizing is almost uncharacteristicly big even as far as mansions go. I tell her she doesnt have to be a haunted girl and to just become physical and live with me and my family. She agrees and we walk back hand in hand. We then enter this huge sun lit room with glass ceilings next to a garden. Its my favourite room since its nature adjacent i think. Anyway she goes to a rope with something on it and picks it up and rings it to make a spooky sound. She explain that even though this is the non haunted part of the mansion she also makes it a point to visit these and spook the visitors in here. Theres a group a people seemingly doing a tour in this room so i guess this is the tourist part of the famous mansion. They all stop, a bit jolted and then look at her. We walk and they tell me "wait a minute,she looks exactly like the haunted girl!".im surprised as i somehow forgot she was a famous haunted girl already and was like how do i explain this so i can go with her to the first room drama free. I was thinking about making a lightearted joke about how she must be the reincarnation,making it silly. The dream ends as im thinking about what to tell them.