Read please Anonymous 09/28/2024 (Sat) 08:24 No.15410 del

I was hacked by a neighbour with friends whom decided to share my webcam footage for years, since I moved in the building when I was 12 we were neighbours.

I need to know what I need to know to find out who exactly hacked my camera, where that information is, and what I can do to know whom to give.. retribution to.

If you know a hacking service then I'd consider that.

The neighbour laughed when my father suddenly died and decided to spill the beans. But I don't think he is capable nor do I think he is worth my time in getting information from. He laughed the whole time, meanwhile he hits on children. I was stupid then and shrugged it off, I was 15 at that time basically.

I need to know what you can share, what you would do, anything would help.

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Any information can be useful information. Any information you need, I can find my way to supply. I have friends still there, and they are willing to help.But we need more direction on how to attack and get the people who decided to share my webcam footage with people whom came to.. do more than just stalk me.

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