05/26/2023 (Fri) 15:56
I miss the old 2chen, straight kino mode 2chen
So full of soul 2chen, city of gold chen
I hate the new 2chen, the bad mood 2chen
The always rude 2chen, coomers and lewd 2chen
I miss the sweet 2chen, meguTV 2chen
I gotta say, at that time I'd never leave 2chen
See, I inhabited 2chen, it wasn't any 2chen
And now I look and look around and there is no more 2chen
I used to love 2chen, I used to love 2chen
I even scraped my tokfus, I thought I was 2chen
What if a shitpost was made about 2chen
Called "I miss the old 2chen"? Man, that would be so 2chen
That's all it was, 2chen, we used to love 2chen