Bear 07/02/2023 (Sun) 18:06 No.1271 del
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>Got a new, second job.

Like a real man, welcome to your new life as a slave to time management. However, if you're like me working as much as 100 hours a week but some weeks it feels like 50, it can be the best feeling of self worth and self-value. Then you don't feel bad pissing on the peasants and laughing at their complaints.

>It hasn't started yet but I already feel a little overwhelmed.

I know exactly how this feels, kind of the worst feeling you'll ever have in this regard. Believe me you will find productivity you never knew you had and end up feeling overjoyed when you get one full day off only to be bored out of your mind. It's like flipping a switch in your mind. (For me anyway.)

Do not rely on caffeine it's a trap!

>I'm definitely entering some sort of GRINDSET meme. It shouldn't be more than 50hrs a week between both jobs.

Ameture! You still have time to start a home business!

>Neither pay well.


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