Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 19:04 No.1272 del
I AM trying to start a home business!!!! That's the horrible part! The limiting factor is needing to purchase sellable quality goods rather than student/hobby level shit, but I've told myself I won't commit the money until I finish my online classes and get settled into the new job!

I brought some stuff into job no 1. and all my coworkers and my boss asked if I am a professional seller. It made me feel dread: I miss when people kind of laughed and thought it was a silly idea. Now everyone's first comment is, "Do you sell those?"

My idea is that I'm young and things take time. If I can even just get this to break even I've subsidized the entire hobby, the entire training process. So even if I have to take a break for a few years to do other things, when I want to return, my chances of being a full-time dream-job person are higher, because I won't be starting from scratch.

The rough part time management-wise is switching between night and day shifts, while living with homebound elderly family for which I cook clean etc. I haven't figured it out.