Bear 07/15/2023 (Sat) 12:24 No.1419 del
I was in a game, not playing a game, in the game. An MMO with some of the mentally ill members of this community including one big pain in the ass and a girl was chatting him up and all she wanted to know was what race he was because mmo not irl and she couldn't see him and he had such a bad case of dysmorphia that he couldn't even tell her what race he was. rediculous.

Anyway, every player had what they called a bot and the bot was used for building and otherwise the bot looked like anything, something like a familiar mine was a doll-like girl. others had a snake stuffy or elephant stuffy or other toy and everyone was very proud of them and would talk endlessly about them.

Part of the game was like work, you had to do certain things like an intro quest etc and it was kind of like eve online in that way and it was a space game as well, but also planetside. So I knew of a place where the Star Trek Enterprise people were including Riker and Counselor Troy as well as others that weren't actually in the show. I had memories of us playing this game together for days but in this restart they were busy working and every time we didn't initially know each other. Like reincarnation of course.

So it was a ling dream with some gameplay and that was the gist of it. Oh and I was in a conference room toward the end and a really hot girl was in there practically naked and she was smiling wide at me so that was nice but then I woke up.