Yakumo 07/22/2023 (Sat) 09:29 No.1515 del
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First I was trying to start my car but immediately the entire instrument board warning signs lit up but everything in blue and the car came to an abrupt stop. I tried again, same thing, didn't sound good. Somehow managed to let the car roll down a shopping street and into a parking garage which made no sense at all. Tupper directed me to an empty parking slot that seemed reachable while rolling but everything warped. Whatever.

Next I was at some flea market or auction for interesting industrial machines and crude weapons that all looked like parts of some industrial robots or 40K stuff. Big, square and bulky. It was in some empty warehouse or office building, the stuff was laid out on the bare concrete floor. The people attending seemed fairly normal. Dream style, some interesting objects disappeared as soon as I looked away. I was sitting on the floor, my ex-girlfriend next to me, some items we managed to acquire in front of us. Someone was giving a talk or presentation while I inspected what I got. It looked like a very bulky upper receiver of a gun, while the barrel was normal, the receiver was rectangular bare metal, about 1m x 20cm, huge. There was lots of wiring and yellow insulation stuff inside, it was slightly rusty. It looked really heavy and I wondered what I was supposed to do with this thing. I had seen a lower receiver that appeared to belong to the gun before but it was now gone. Someone mentioned this thing came from an old friend of mine who had worked in a nuclear facility before retiring (4 real) and that the gun was powered by nuclear fuel. Apparently for automatic fire like a chain gun while it used ordinary cartridges for ammunition. How cool is that?

Fast forward to my unfamiliar 'home'. I had the bright idea to check that gun for residual radiation and took my Geiger counter out of a drawer. It looked like a smartphone. Upon turning it on it showed low battery but the values immediately maxxed out to some exponential numbers and it gave loud beeps. Hmm, low battery glitch? I put the Geiger counter on the shelf in front of me and the values were still enormous but at least not off the scale. Took it in my hand and it went crazy again. Uh-oh, it was clearly me and it obviously was because I had touched that gun before. Additionally I felt increasingly odd, my throat had become unpleasantly sore. Also my hands burned, I tried to scrub them with soap and went to get my ex-girlfriend who was in the shower with her mother, they were both naked. I had other worries however and told her about the acute radiation poisoning and she said she had a sore throat and felt dizzy as well, she had been sitting next to me after all. I told her we need to call an ambulance and have the entire house decontaminated but I knew we were fucked. Acute radiation syndrome short time after exposure means you can only hope to die quickly. Fuuuuuu

That was enough to wake me up but took me a few seconds to confirm this indeed was a dream and I had no sore throat and no highly radioactive gun anymore. Rarely been this glad to have woken up. The moral from this story: Kids, don't play with industrial waste from nuclear facilities. Happened before, people died. In ugly ways.