Bear 08/02/2023 (Wed) 18:16 No.1599 del
I had a raised garden bed and what would you think my dream head would grow in said bed? Well teenage girls of course. Yes large breasted girls were layinf tits up in the dirt and their giggly mamaries were there in all their creamy squishy glory. I fondled one or two and thought something about fertilization (you know what that represents if you're paying attention). Then I looked down at their thighs and the rest of their body, half buried in the ground but the boobs were the real prize winners.

I was quite proud of their development.

Irl all my gardening ends in desaster, barely able to grow small tomatoes or 5 inch pumpkins without them mysteriously turning brown and dying long before their time. I'm seriously considering getting serious next spirng now that my new schedule has basically given me Fridays off. Wow, a whole day a week off I can barely believe it. My assumption that my home business will slowly start taking care of itself is actually happening with no loss of income.