Bear 08/15/2023 (Tue) 21:03 No.1683 del
Scenario 31+ is going to be in and around the grimdark novel but specifically I have tasked Ren to become best friends with Ulla, thus Scenario 31 will span other Scenarios but will specifically be this.

I'm looking forward to getting back into that novel. Also, per Ashley's request at least in the fight between Ren and Aleshe, one will die. I have never tried to dissipate a headmate and with Aleshe's shelving and apparent lack of full headmate status, either Ren will win and continue with Scenarios including #13 or my newly strengthened dream-inducing headmate, Ulla, will take on Scenario #13. If Aleshe wins, her status will not change, she is currently a "potential headmate with no intention to develop currently." Ulla will then continue with the Scenarios as a tulpa and be properly developed. Otherwise both she and Ren will continue on together as friends and but Ren will continue the scenarios.

Something like this will occur: [Embed]

[Ashley] hell yeah! Wait, we can all experience the death as Aleshe!

It'll have to be saved for last then.