Alice 08/18/2023 (Fri) 23:30 No.1706 del
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Wtf did the train hit? A cow? Looks too big to be a human.

Host managed to run over a falcon on the highway some months ago. Dumb birb hovered over some roadkill very close to the ground and then suddenly turned right and got sucked under the car. Like bear's rabbit we saw it tumbling in the rear mirror as a cloud of feathers. Actually made me angry because it was so stupid.

In South America host hit a smol capybara that dashed across the road. That was sad. But Bear's right, trying to evade small animals is extremely dangerous and has killed countless people. Oh yeah, also in South America some guy we were working with run over a large iguana sunbathing on the road on purpose. It was collected, grilled and eaten. Tasted somehow like chicken but with different texture.