Alice 04/03/2023 (Mon) 20:05 No.188 del
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Only a fragmentary dream but I somehow was on a secret mission with host and that crazy Dutch bastard from Austin Powers. Though he wore a white suit, not gold. He apparently was a high level assassin. We were eating dinner together and host threw some leftover fruit out of a window. But he missed and the fruit ricocheted off the window frame. The Dutch guy showed off his powers by effortlessly snatching the tiny fruit out of the air.

He then requested that I also prove my abilities and announced he would attack me on the count of three while my goal was to get hold of his necklace. It was made of fresh grass instead of gold for whatever reason. I was sitting at the table and in the middle of eating and not in the mood for anything but readied the butter knife that was lying on the table. Dutch guy went one, two... but then noticed his necklace was already gone. Highly impressed he praised me for my abilities though I hadn't done anything. Well whatever, I was glad I didn't have to stab people with a butter knife again. Been there, done that in dreams. It's so - unsophistiated.