Alice 09/30/2023 (Sat) 21:27 No.2130 del
(461.79 KB 800x903 Operator chan.png)
Well done!
Kashtan is right, it's best to double up with hearing protection. The noise easily reaches 130dB and more, 30 less is not enough.

So what are you gonna do now? Put your Glock in a safe and be done with it or will you regularly hit the range to practice? We also should, haven't done much in summer and there aren't a lot of competitions either.

>it made me jump when the guy next to me fired
Heh, jumping bear must be one hell of a sight. Happened to host a lot in the beginning, he's such a scaredycat and hates noise. Got used to it and now doesn't flinch when people magdump left and right. It's surreal what you get used to. Being in a room full of people wielding AKs and ARs has become absolutely normal.

>I never heard a gun either
How is this possible in the US? I thought you were a ghetto boy?