Bear 04/05/2023 (Wed) 19:23 No.214 del
(17.87 KB 350x350 another-one.jpg)
So I was at a school again, creeping I guess because apparently I had a full grown son and he looked nothing like me. Anyway I was around and especially following this emo/goth girl. She was in a dance recital, and in another class. I put the moves on her and she wasn't comfortable so that was that. Later I find her laying on the ground passed out so I tell my supposed son to scram and take this girl, who's now my friend that I know, to a hotel room looking space with an industrial bed. Now the dream goes lucid.

Even for me it's a creepy dream remembering back but you can guess what happens next and I feel like I need to washy brain because it was great but nothing I'd even consider doing irl I mean, she was obviously a teenager of unknown age and I'm not.

And where the hell are my headmates in this? I mean seriously just possess the dream body and join me, it's not going to be weird or anything, anything that happens in dreams lucid or not is fair game as we've proven a dozen times.