Alice 10/04/2023 (Wed) 19:10 No.2166 del
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Tupper in dream is always good.

Host had a series of vivid dreams that were mostly mundane nonsense.
One was about a trip to South America where he's supposed to do some field work but he found out that there's only one plane going there making several stops in every village along the way but it doesn't stop at the field station we're supposed to go. You have to parachute out. I said we certainly won't parachute out of some tiny plane in the middle of nowhere. The map showing the plane's route was very vivid and colorful. The route continued out until some tiny islands off the coast and would stop everywhere - except where we wanted to go. The only alternative was some autonomous drone caterpillar or bulldozer delivering containers with goods. It could be seen in a movie scene moving on some dirt road in the jungle at walking speed. Pretty high-tech but still way too slow and no option for human passengers. Somehow we still arrived at our destination by car but everything was disorganized and chaotic. Also the vegetation was all yellow-purple, something wasn't right. I just wanted to go back home and we woke up.

Second dream was part of the series 'host's dad does strange stuff'. He had collected different kinds of, well, trash in my eyes. One was ABS pipes like Bear suggested for wrist training. but they were like 5m high and branching into thinner pipes. It was basically the entire plumbing system of a house his Dad was loading off in our garden. He's almost 90 but still was carrying this huge arrangement of plastic pipes without problems.

He also brought lots of Soviet surplus 5.45x39 AK74 ammo, 7N6M hollow tip and started to distribute the cartridges in our garden like he was sowing seeds. Host told him to stop and that this ammo is restricted and mustn't even be touched by civilians. Had to collect everything and put it in a safe which was tiresome as more cartridges seemed to appear out of nowhere than host could collect from the ground.

Finally dad started to paint everything he could find in thick dark-green rust protection color from a big bucket and a broad brush. The fence, the floor, the car and the entire inside of the garage, various items. Sadly all this wasn't even particularly unrealistic, if this man has decided you 'need something' or 'something needs fixing' he carries it out, whether you like it or not. Resistance is futile.