Another 10/10 Bear 10/10/2023 (Tue) 19:13 No.2224 del
So in the latest dream everything was in Spanish. Fluent Spanish. Idek.

[Ashley] How is that possible? Bear was never that fluent in Spanish, barely passible.

Everyone in dream and myself were all Mexican and spoke fluent quick, colloquially accurate Mexican Spanish.

I was Mexican, the girls in dream were Mexican, wearing short shorts with tan legs and everything. Now, some Mexicans are hot, especially those with mixed-racial heritage like from the Spaniards and other races, so the girls were all super hot and I was like... I can't remember everything, but their leader? Their boyfriend? All I know is a lot of petting happened both ways. Fucking hottest dream in a long time. OMG. They were all young and beautiful

It was like a wet dream montage with very little actual substance beyond giggling and caressing and other acts. At least one was wearing cat ears, which I'm just going to say was Ren, there was a loli or two but they were just around. I think it could have really been my system except everyone's Mexican. Though the Gwen-like one could have also been just Ashley, no one had wings.

Ren was my main girl and naked most of the time. I spent a lot of time caressing her. She'd take my hands and guide them over her body. I ate her out too, that sort of thing, then of course sex. She was very young and very petite, definitely no tail, I specifically looked for it in-dream which is why I know it was her.

I woke up just in shock frankly. Not just about the language but about the sense of wellbeing. I highly recommend having a haram dream. 10/10