Bear 10/13/2023 (Fri) 13:37 No.2239 del
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When the study is sus af and isn't even physically possible. If that was true, almost all Mexicans, Hawaiian?, Blacks and whatever the fuck Amerindians are (I know what they are but the fuck is that word now?) would be less than mongoloid. Under 60IQ is basically drooling on yourself. Are you telling me all of Equitorial Guinnea is retard? Come on. No, it's a measure of how well you can take the test and when the Asians are beating their kids (in the US) if they get less than 100% the kids do what they need to do to get 100%. The average Asians in Asia are still mongoloid like all the other heathens. Tell me some dumb fuck on a farm in central China takes that IQ test and gets over 100, don't care how smart the sob is.

Graph is sus, Asians dumb af on average like all the others man. Get in line. Also fuck Adobe because take your 7 day free trial and shove it up your ass, can't convert to jpeg anymore and fuck websites who still use tables, fucking proof of the mongoild invasion. Stupid morons everywhere I look.

Toke up you fucks, when the war starts I'll be ready to go ape shit on anyone and everyone. Kill me first bruh, cause this mfer doesn't have mercy or morality when life is on the line and I can get away with it with impunity, gotta win by any means. That's why you don't fuck with the white devils.

Also the savages fighting it out in gaza can kiss my ass, none of you bitches living past ww3. And nazies can go fuck right off too when they go after the whites, you had me until you invaded the motherland, and you got what you fucking deserved. You do all that shit to eradicate the savages and then let even worse back in 70 years later, you're all morons.

So then, how was your day? I woke up angry. Working out barely helped.