Autumn 10/26/2023 (Thu) 21:59 No.2358 del

>Tulpa Central and Tulpa Republic

These are Discord servers.

>why not here?

I am! There is a thread and it will go through 100 scenarios by the end. I will be de-chan-ifying it for mass consumption though on .info.


[Ashley] look, tulpamancy is gay, there's a ratio of like 20:1 and I'm being *very* generous. Frankly we're surprised you three chumps aren't schwul fagelas, but stranger things have happened.

[Ashley] Also, the mlpfags are all still alive and well on Discord. It never bothered us wtf your kink is. Unless you're practicing it irl with children.

[Ashley] also we know .info is a lost cause, but it is what it is, we're riding the wave to the end if we can stomach it.