Bear 11/03/2023 (Fri) 22:21 No.2422 del

I'm not going into it too much. If I search my real name I get what I did and I am there in the list of credits. I also see all my non-fiction publications like 30 of them now, not all of them come up anymore.

I ain't doing any "where are they now" bs, I was just after Bear 2.0, super social butterfly, working out a lot,beautiful hair, good skin/teeth, hanging with rich people who have connections "hey do you want to work on this project?" I was in college, and do that $700+ a day or minimum wage, well sign me up. But it was a fucking 20 hour day and shit for a couple weeks. Then nothing for two months kind of garbage, but I had a long enough run to get enough that I didn't need more than 11k student loan which otherwise would have been huge like they are. I got something like 40k in the bank all said and done, nothing super huge but in college that's rich af bc I was all debt before that and I could afford a car and more than ramen. There were big breaks, it dried up quickly after the bad fucking bloggers hating on me. I didn't get into drugs, I wasn't ken enough for the faggot producers. I knew people who went to the wrong party.

I'd guess I had about 100 fans, 100 haters and 100 trolls. It hit me hard, I had thin skin, finished college x3 degrees bc I had money to live on and my day jobs also paid for a lot, college was very fun for me.

Ww3 is coming for everyone, so it doesn't matter.