Yakumo 12/04/2023 (Mon) 23:01 No.2656 del
(32.36 KB 474x517 gargoyles.jpeg)
(19.20 KB 474x355 avocado.jpeg)
Another rather chaotic series of dreams, forgot most.

One involved another totally fictitious house my family supposedly owned, it was a wooden cabin in the alps. I discovered an open door that hadn't been there before and ended up in the kitchen of a large hotel. I had slight doubts about that but I don't even know what actually must happen for me to become lucid. Went along with it and entered the hotel, walking around there. As always it grew larger and larger.

Then I was at a party with friends from school, they lived in a huge old apartment building that somehow looked more like a Gothic church. Very dark too but not unpleasant. The apartment however was a cool penthouse overlooking the city. For whatever reason I stole an avocado the size of a watermelon from the kitchen and left. Went down the stairs towards the exit and met the friend's parents, politely greeted them while walking by. While on the stairs I discovered or remembered I could fly but it didn't work very well. Fluttered through the stairways like some clumsy little bird waving my arms which felt stupid but worked in the end. Now there indeed seemed to be an entire Gothic church in a huge cavern and I came to sit on the roof. A man casually sat on the edge among pillars and statues looking down into the dark hallways. He wore bandages and looked like a zombie or mummy. Approaching him from behind he said something that seemed wise without looking at me. Don't remember but dream wisdom usually turns out utter nonsense.

I continued fluttering through the dark caverns and hallways bobbing along the ceiling in about 20m height and in a huge room saw a girl from my class sitting alone at a huge desk. I greeted her from above but she freaked out and ran away. Many such cases. So no dream sex here either.