Bear 12/14/2023 (Thu) 17:34 No.2741 del

I think I was a little harsh, I'm proud you didn't jizz to the comic or especially not music history at least.


A mild dream. Odd, long, varied, irrelevant to our intersts for the most part, but we were at what looks like a fire station. Industrial, purpose built, lots of metal. Ashley was vacuuming out metal lockers. Wearing an outfit with a midrift, showing that belly and milky white skin. She's a beauty.

I crawl into a small space above the locker, it has large air holes so I can watch her work. I ask, "can I reach in?" She says, something odd but it meant, "reach-in-able". I get the sense She's above me in rank or something. I reach down but my arms aren't long enough. Not really reaching for anything specifically.

Then I get down and I see her up close, and feel up that torso. Excellent softness.

[Ashley] fucking finally

Then one squeeze of her tight little butt in jeans and tragedy strikes even this legendary dreamer, the dream memories fade here. Fade out completely.

Next dream, I'm in a park on a long ramp, flying a kite, lots of little girls with their milfs, not a man can be seen other than me as appropriate. I keep raising and lowering the kite and the little girls love it. I'm getting lots of attention for it like it's a special magic trick or something.

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