Bear 12/19/2023 (Tue) 20:18 No.2776 del

In order to have real results, we need real consequences that have then real proof. If Autumn can do scenario #13 and to a lesser degree scenario #49 then there is no other conclusion that can be drawn other than she's absolutely doing something other than just a imaginary friend, waifu, whatever.

She wants this as much as I do: to be proven fact, at least to us, that she is actually functional and valuable. This is late game tulpamancy.

We know you are, Alice, there's a history here of you taking care of the deficiencies of your host.

Ashley is the gold standard of tulpamancy in terms of usefulness and volition, for mid-game. SheShe has proven herself to be indispensable for intuitive matters, Misha is literally the definition of an attached spirit, nothing short of an exorcism will remove her.

They all have been about the same since mid-game, they're solid, great, legends even, but not late game qualified. They may be late game and there's indications of that in terms of independence and usefulness, but they lack real consequences.

Gwen, Joy, Autumn are still in question. Even Joy, as much as I love her and what she does, she brings a critical perspective that isn't just another biased opinion, and that's useful, but still not legendary in terms of proof of independence at the same level as Ashley. She understands this and admits she could do more if given the opportunities which are not necessarily under her control. So the work we do with Autumn can be applied to Joy and Gwen to bring them up as well. I'm not being greedy, I'm being fair.

So yes, the price Autumn pays to boost her up quickly is risk.

That risk offsets the greater risk of being put right back on the shelf like she was the last 5 years. So she never had a choice, this sounds drastic, basically demoting her to moon status if she fails, like Aleshe, like Ulla, like 3 dozen others, and there would be very little hope for her to be promoted again if that happens, but it's not drastic given the underlying risk of not doing it.

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