Alice 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:29 No.3006 del
(56.36 KB 700x700 Dinosaur feeder.jpg)
(58.08 KB 1000x666 Erithacus rubecula.jpg)
(143.57 KB 1280x914 Pyrrhula pyrrhula.jpg)
Whoa, that's cold.
We made special fatty food blocks for dinosaurs so they don't freeze to death. It's easily made by pouring bird seed, nuts and berries in molten margarine. Using beef tallow would be better because it's harder and has a higher melting point but most supermarkets don't carry tallow or lard anymore or only as gourmet stuff that costs at least 3 times as much a margarine. Dinosaurs don't care and unless it gets too warm and melts.

We got a lot of robins this year, I like them. There's hardly a more popular dinosaur than robins. It's the ladybug of dinoaurs.

Also we saw a flock of bullfinches in the park, only saw them once before when I was young. Maybe 5 years ago. They're super rare. Disrespectfully called parish priest in German because it's chubby, has a red cloak an black cap.