02/18/2024 (Sun) 13:54
>>3244Sen nege sonshama kizstekesin?
>no i honestly dont understand how gym people bring disease am i the only one? A bunch of sweaty people touching the same metal surfaces all day, how do you think diseases spread? I don't care because it's a risk worth taking.
>whats your opinion on stretching exercises my flexibility is shitIf you want to stretch, ask one of those fem guys grunting at the bench press to help. I don't stretch unless I am doing something that requires stretching. How do you stretch for a curl if you already have full range of motion and no hint of any lack of motion? If you're doing it with good form, the strech isn't necessary and I wouldn't anyway because I am too strong for my own good and what if I hyper extend the joint, then menin zhumurtkamdi sorshi, I'd prefer not.
If you're experiencing stiffness or lack of motion in any joint, stretch it religiously, correctly, under the care of a doctor, use good form. I can guarantee you that if you're not juicing and are doing 10 reps per set like a good little kizsteke, then you shoudn't worry about it. There are some joints that do limit range of motion and when I went to the doctor for shoulder pain, there were stretching exercises they game me but in 2 weeks of stretching, any minor loss of motion was corrected easily, what a coincidence that as the pain went away the range of motion was dramatically improved, duh. [Embed]
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