Joy the DM 03/20/2024 (Wed) 22:27 No.3656 del

>Whaaat the battle hasn't even started? Is it unexpectedly going to die of thirst or what? Sounds rigged. Or insurance fraud.

Add up the damage, it has taken nearly 50. Then look at the monster card closer.

>they'll probably gonna leave me here until they return with an outfit which they'll have to choose on their own

That's up to Yulya, though Ashley thinks she's the leader lately.

>If Joy's bored

I'm immune to boredom, it's my superpower. so I'll leave your character development up to you but we only need to work on it one level at a time so it's probably not going to be much work. Since this is our first time with 5e, and there's a lot of leeway, I'm not worried about making you a superhero, in fact, I believe that's the point for most characters by the higher levels.

>So I can't level up even with necessary XP unless I have consumed the necessary ingredients for my next form as well.

Please pass your material requirements to your HR representative, Yulya.

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