Alice 03/25/2024 (Mon) 20:54 No.3719 del
(283.79 KB 1920x1280 Allium ursinum.jpg)
(177.99 KB 886x591 Colchicum autumnale.jpg)
(133.37 KB 900x602 Convallaria majalis.jpg)
>too afraid i'd poison myself by mixing it up with something else
It happens every year, was in the news just yesterday. An elderly couple harvested Colchicum autumnale leaves instead of wild garlic, both died in hospital. Colchicine is one hell of a poison. Really nasty stuff.
Don't ask me how people manage to be this dumb to confuse wild garlic with Colchicum autumnale or Convallaria majalis, both of which are highly poisinous. I call it natural selection.