Alice 03/29/2024 (Fri) 20:14 No.3775 del
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It's Good Friday, one of the highest Holidays in Bavaria. No idea why it's called Good Friday in English, wasn't so good for Jesus. In German it's called Karfreitag, Kar- meaning something akin to mourning.

You may not believe it but the Bavarian state takes this very seriously. From Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday festivities are actually forbidden. No sports events, no public music or dancing festivities. Discos and theaters are closed. This is enforced and violations are heavily fined. It's quite bizarre, these regulations are only in effect in Bavaria, not in the rest of Germany or at least in a much weaker form. Mfw living in a Christian fundamentalist Police State.

Also it is tradition to not eat meat but green vegetables on Holy Thursday which is called 'Green Thursday' here. Actually a mistranslation, the 'Green' again meaning mourning, not a color.

So we went out and harvested a huge pile of wild garlic in the forest to cook it like spinach. There actually were some poisonous Convallaria majalis (Lily of the valley) growing nearby but again, as long as you pick leaves individually and aren't completely retarded you can't mix them up. We're still alive today so it wasn't our Last Supper.