Joy the Real, UNDISPUTED DM 03/30/2024 (Sat) 13:56 No.3783 del

The shopkeeper finishes a stitch she's working on and then rattles off cryptic values for each of your choices in an uninterested and almost dismissive way, and for each one she adds "that one is very expensive, good quality, hard to find."

Yulya's white choice: 12sp
Yulya's blue choice: 9sp
Yulya's black choice: 17sp (it is of comparatively higher quality to the others.)
Cat's Grey tone choice with flowers: 13sp
Cat's plain white with black obi 10sp
Hair clip: 3sp
Bow: 2sp

The masks vary as well, generally costing more the more elaborate or fine they are but range from 5sp to 15sp. Again any one you pick up she adds, "oh that one very hard to find, very expensive to make. Other client may pick up tomorrow, so I can't give discount," and so on.

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