Ashley 04/28/2024 (Sun) 16:23 No.4087 del

>All american girl attempts to buy underwear and asks politely for her share of future earnings
>is denied because communism
>is given a debt with no means to earn or keep money
>smuggled into a forien city

How is this not human trafficking? Are you sure Yulya left the church or did they remove her?

Here we thought the nobility were the bad guys.

>if she really has a problem with how we play

My character in game is an amplified, over exaggerated version of my feelings, yeah, she's not very delicate but also yeah she wants to live like a civilized person and not sleep on the floor in hand-me-down clothes with no pockets.

Be reasonable before you blame her for going psycho after standing in the rain for an hour without even a hat and zero money.

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