Alice 05/03/2024 (Fri) 14:40 No.4158 del
I want to ride that pather into battle wielding a spear that would be epic!

I also don't quite understand that proficiency stuff yet. I have proficiency in simple weapons. Also I have monk weapons bonus. It's all so complex. As far as I have read, spear and javelin are monk weapons but darts are not because they are ranged and not melee.

A monk weapon must be simple, not heavy, not exclusively 2-handed (versatile is ok) and melee and you need to have proficiency.

Monk Weapons gain certain benefits:
.)use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls
.)benefit from Martial Arts Die (1d4 until lv.4 so irrelevant now)
.)allow you to make one extra unarmed attack as a bonus action with Martial Arts feature.

The spear is unbeatable as a 2-handed weapon with 1d8+2 plus another unarmed strike with 1d4!

But what about Javelins vs Darts?

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