Yulya 06/01/2024 (Sat) 01:03 No.4468 del
(36.43 KB 512x512 1394263175.jpg)
Yulya yawns and unwillingly gets out of her comfy warm bedroll and gets dressed.
Good morning!
As promised I will hand out one candy to everyone for today!''
Yulya gives a candy to Alice Ashley and Cat and eats one herself which instantly fills her with energy''

>"Decide who you want to drive the cart, the horses know where to go"
I would like to drive the cart. If things get rough Cat can take over.

>"it'll scarcely be different from yesterday."
Without mountain lions and dragons I hope...
Yulya laughs nervously

Ashley where do you want to be in our formation? Cat will be in front and Alice in the back.