Carte Blanche 2/2 Joy the DM 06/04/2024 (Tue) 01:41 No.4510 del

"So are you going to help us or what?" Ashley says impatiently.

Just then she hears a slightly odd sound and whatever was gripping the back of her cloak hops off her back with a loud, tinny buzz distracting them momentarily as they watch it climb into the air.

"What in hell is that thing?" The driver says and readies his bow to take a shot.

Ashley is thinking the same thing, to her surprise a Mechathereal Dragon Wasp was grappled to her back instead of her Necrotic Wasp just like her dream. She doesn't have time to figure that all out now though. She's actually happy it's not her old oozy stinky babies, and it looks really cool anyway. She glances at Alice intently then stealthily casts another summon on the far side of the rothés. [1d20+2=(7,12) vs DC12] Luckily for Ashley they also don't notice this as they're distracted. She starts to back up, out of immediate striking range of the two.

[When in doubt, run, but there's a lot of potential for a resolution, and of course profit, here so don't underestimate yourselves. Alice has chipped away some of the rut causing the cart to roll slightly forward. Yulya is the only one on the cart and her weight is negligible so there's only a very small chance of failure to escape the rut at this point. In terms of conventional battle, you're very very outclassed but you would have the equivalent of an ambush against them if you act right now which means full initiative and advantage on actions in the first round. SheShe's group totally owned a similarly lopsided scenario. The two are distracted, they're confused by the wasp, they're likely thinking unthinkable thoughts, so do your homework here before doing something you might regret either way.]