Alice 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:27 No.4518 del
(10.88 KB 400x320 cat fish.jpg)
>Alice the mystery goldfish
You know the same happened to host many years ago before I was born?
He was going for a walk at night and found a big carp-like fish lying on the sidewalk. That was odd but upon close inspection, the fish was flapping and alive! I dunno why he didn't just take the fish but host ran home (it was less than a minute), got a bucket with water and ran back to get the fish. But it was gone!

Around a corner host spotted a cat struggling to carry the huge fish away. Cat fled and host managed to rescue the fish and bring it home. It was late at night so he put the fish in a very large plastic box full of water and left it in the garden. Needless to say the fish was gone without a trace next morning. I think it flew away.