Ashley, Lead Strategist 06/05/2024 (Wed) 22:57 No.4531 del
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>Ashley makes Velma attack the ranger and Zelda sting the rothés butt if Alice makes it. and casts 1MP dampen spirit on ranger.

Zelda and Velma both need to sting the rothés on the same turn or risk the rothés turning on us. They're firmly attached but they won't leave their master once he's attacked whoever that is, we don't know, we only know the ranger was driving but the spellsword has the unknown plate which could be a trade guild plate and I doubt trade guilds care if you're evil.

Imagine the rothés charging with a cart attached. hilarious but also very bad.

>ranger is in combat with Velma and spellsword with Cat

Nope, you are with Cat, has to be, that's what we need to do and not till round 2 because we can't attack either in round 1. You need to get down there and distract them until Alice frees the children no matter how long that takes without attacking them until the rothés are gone. I will go help Alice using stealth I can run over there.

Remember when I said earlier "parlay"?

pls actually read this

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