Ashley the Coach 06/06/2024 (Thu) 00:06 No.4535 del
>I can't do much about chains. I need Cat.

You can do something, in 5e you can actually punch chains if necessary but you have a spear! Throw it at the chain!

>I follow Cat using stealth and have an action to see what I can do with the chain.

Oh you and cat? Not after we attack because we need to pin them down so they don't release the rothés they'd do that if they could guaranteed. We need grappled and downed foes or stalled until the rothés are gone. So this doubles my point that we need Yulya to stall them with charm or something.

Then Yulya definately needs to be front like with my panther self but I won't be ready till round 3.

Round 1 Dampen spirit boosted
Round 2 summon mecha-kitty, panther awakens
Round 3 pounce pounce pounce

>Meanwhile Ashley has to distract them for another round, good luck!
I can't distract them and also cast dampen spirit right? In fact Yulya can't cast bane and distract them either... which is more important...

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