Joy the DM 06/15/2024 (Sat) 20:07 No.4637 del
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>What kind of glitch was that even? That battle was anticlimactic, not that I'm complaining mind you! I thought they would mop the floor with us rookies.

I've never been so disappointed. That just means I need to step it up. This was completely ruled by the rolls, Ashley forced me to. So you know what that means? The rolls can be completely lopsided the other way. I calculated that it would be possible for two goblins to TPK you if they had the luck and advantages you did.

Frankly you all worked as a perfect team with no mistakes at all. If you had made one or two mistakes or had taken it less seriously you could still have easily lost.

>can I finally cook and eat them now

I feel like you aren't reading anything I wrote.

>Then why am I not in the middle of the road stirring a pot full of human body parts?

When I said 'anything', I meant within the things I also want to be a part of. If you did, then there would be inquiries and complications that would throw everything to the wind. If you really want that, turn yourself in. If you really don't want that then I'll have to guide the narrative to more productive outcomes.

>the orb

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