Joy the DM 06/18/2024 (Tue) 19:09 No.4665 del

>Who has more use for the more valuable focus? whats their quality?

A focus is only for those who have magic capability, but can also be used as an ingredient to make magic items and weapons.

I talked myself out of the quality system for now. Simply put a focus can be used to store MP and that MP can be used for any purpose, but it's a one shot. So if you loaded that 6MP gem and cadt Cure Wounds with it, unpredictable results may occur. It may cause a mass heal (even including the enemy) it may Simply waste the extra mana, ot may give you bonus temporary HP.

There is a small chance of the gem cracking or disintegrating as it does when you use revive currently. I am thinking about allowing it to be just a chance of being destroyed instead of a guarantee for that spell.

So Gems are assumed always to be high quality and there is a hidden (low) chance of them failing.

>it doesnt work with the pendant worth 121gp correct?

It would only work for a level 1, yes.

The 200gold+ would work up to level 3.

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