Tamamo 06/19/2024 (Wed) 10:07 No.4667 del
Hmm how does Ashley know what human stew smells like? Yulya doesn't.

>split up
Dang we should have left a message with chalk on a rock. We talked about it, why didn't we do it?
The plan was to tell the roadmaster, the message could be relayed to Phandalin. Gundren is well known. How would any of us even get there? Take another cart to Phandalin? And who? We are barely a functioning party with 4 and a single one of us is dead meat. Literally. I don't think we can send a wasp with a note attached, right?

>No armor for Ashley
Sucks to be her. Alice can't use armor either and Yulya and Cat have one.

>ayy lmao that pic
>did you make that Tamamo?
Nope, all original, I've been waiting to use this