Moving on 1/2 (2/2 coming soon) Joy the DM 06/22/2024 (Sat) 01:07 No.4708 del
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There may have been an error on the loot sheets. There was 80GP and 60sp in the special purse, but on the loot sheet it may have said 60 gp and 84sp. I don't know why.

After a brief discussion with Ashley and Yulya, Cat gallops away south chalk in hand.
Ashley yells after her, "Use that smoke ring if you get ambushed and just bail! Don't forget to check the tracks!"

Ashley discretely takes 30 silver and 4 copper. And readies the cart by arranging the cargo and placing the bedrolls on the crates to make it more of a large flat landing under the tarp for the children to ride more comfortably.

"Alright kiddos, everyone ready for a ride?"

Annie asks, "where are we going?"

Ashley smiles sweetly, "Neverwinter orphanage! Yay! You'll see, Neverwinter is waaaay better than Baldur's Gate. It's an awesome place and you'll be well taken care of." [Deception 1d20+6=20] the kids cheer and all pile into the cart. Soon they're comfortable and some look ready for an afternoon nap.

Ashley wipes her brow. "Come on Alice, load up, Yulya, put out the fire, it's go time."

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