Stuck on the Road for now 2/2 Joy the DM 06/24/2024 (Mon) 02:35 No.4733 del

>Alice please keep watch!

>Yes ma'am!
Alice grabs her spear and starts patrolling the cart

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
>You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!

Ashley doesn't stir, she's out...

[1d20=1] [1d20=8] [1d4=4] wow [1d6=3]
You're all startled by a group of humanoids dressed all in black robes, coming from behind. They have unknown symbols only visible as they pass near the road lamps. One looks your way as she passes, the expression on her face says she's as surprised to see you as you are her. Three of their hooded forms pass by without a word and they're gone. They seem to have come out of the mist, unheard and unexpected, and return to the mist just as quickly.

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