Alice 07/02/2024 (Tue) 22:41 No.4829 del
Yeah, we overwintered a tomato once, it turned woody but also senecsent and didn't recover next spring and died. Beans can turn woody at the stem base even in one year.

Here it's another year without sunflowers and tomatos. Snails ate them all. Host is always too late vegetables them anyway. Too busy with other garden stuff.

It's an unusual moist year and there are tons of slugs and snails. I'm not gonna cook them but we poison them with iron(III)phosphate. It works pretty well but new ones migrate into the garden within days like sandniggers storming our borders.

Do you actually have citrus? I forgot if I already asked. They should grow there. We have an orange and lemon, both about 1m tall but only the lemon flowers. It rarely produces edible fruit because not enough sun. But the flower scent is awesome! Needless to say they grow in large buckets and have to spend the winter indoors. They hate it and get all sort of diseases but they would just die outside. Needs more climate change!