Tamamo 07/05/2024 (Fri) 04:02 No.4855 del
Ok, I tried (Cat doesn't care about details).
Cat only rolled 4 so +7 HP it is. That means she has 12+3+7+3=25HP, correct? 12HP +3CON from LV.1, 7HP +3CON from LV.2.

I tried to update the text file with the stats you provided with the new Barbarian rules, I hope this is correct. Please check if I added Cat's Half Plate and Great Sword correctly. Can you please update the longbow to the new Magic longbow? I saw Cat has the option to gain MASTERY on 2 melee weapons so she chose her claws and the Greatsword. She also has disadvantage on stealth now in half plate which sucks but advantage on al DEX saving throws with danger sense which is cool.

Can you give us our current experience points, totally lost track of that. I will update the character sheet too once all is confirmed!